Save money, stress and hassle with Nous managing key bills for your household.
The whole household can worry less and save more while earning cash rewards.
We keep tabs on your providers and remind you when contracts are ending so you never miss an opportunity to save.
Choose between Balanced, Freedom or Manual mode. You decide how much work and hassle Nous should handle for your household.
On Nous Premium we’ll save you money and time by managing as many bills as you like. On Free Tier we’ll take care of up to 2.
All bill-payers in your household can log in to your account and see everything in one place.
Other switching websites pocket any commissions earned from providers, but we give it all back to you as cash rewards.
Get live support over Whatsapp from our UK-based savings experts. We’re here to help with any questions or concerns.
Take a look at our FAQs to learn more.
You can use the Free Tier of Nous for as long as you want. We hope to persuade you that it’s worth upgrading to a paid plan, but there is no obligation to do so.
Certain premium features of Nous such as logins for others in your household, cash rewards and WhatsApp chat support are available only to Premium Tier households.
Everyone who uses Nous gets the following features for one UK address for free:
In addition to all the features of Free, Premium Tier gives you these additional features for one UK address:
We don’t think it’s fair or trustworthy that price comparison sites make all their money from providers, who pay commissions to them for finding new customers. Nous works directly for our members. So in building the Nous Premium tier we designed our rewards to make sure any commissions we receive go back into our members’ pockets as cash rewards.
When we make a proposal to switch you to a better deal, we’ll tell you how much you’ll save, including any cash rewards. Cash rewards for switching accrue steadily (usually over a 12-month period) as long as you are still with the provider and remain a Nous Premium member. We’ll send you a monthly statement and you can log in at any time to view your available cash rewards. You can use rewards to pay for your Nous subscription if you like, or you can withdraw them.
If you decide to cancel your subscription for any reason, at any time, you’ll get to keep any rewards you’ve accrued to date. (Although, if you decide to permanently close your Nous account, you’ll lose any rewards you haven’t already withdrawn.)
If you’ve been given Nous by your employer, you’ll receive a special sign-up link that allows you to get started with Nous Premium. You'll get to enjoy all the benefits of Nous Premium for a trial period and then you can decide if you want to subscribe, in which case you can pay using your cash rewards if you like.
If you don’t choose to subscribe, you’ll automatically move onto our Free Tier (which is free forever). Any cash rewards you’ve already earned will be yours to keep while you remain an active user of Nous.
Absolutely! Hundreds of leading businesses have made the decision to offer Nous to help reduce stress and improve the financial wellbeing of their teams.
Learn more about offering Nous to your staff:
At the end of your free trial we’ll give you the choice to subscribe to Nous Premium. If you like, you can pay for Premium with any cash rewards you’ve earned. Both these decisions are entirely up to you.
If you don’t choose to subscribe, you’ll automatically move onto our Free Tier (which costs you nothing). Any cash rewards you’ve already earned will be yours to keep while you remain an active user of Nous.
No. Any direct savings made when we moved you to a better deal are always yours to keep.
Any cash rewards you’ve accrued as a Premium Tier member are also yours to keep, but you can only continue accruing rewards as a Premium member. Learn more about cash rewards.
You can cancel your Premium Tier subscription at any time, and there’s no minimum contract or exit fee – just email us at
If you stop using Nous there’s no need to change providers and you’ll still have access to any tariffs we’ve switched you to. You’ll keep any cash rewards you’ve earned to date, and all direct savings.
You can change your mind at any time. There is no risk, no minimum contract period, and no exit fees. Just let us know by emailing